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Vendor Guidelines

Please see the below guidelines concerning the procurement process for West Georgia Consortium Housing Authority.  If there are additional questions, please contact us

Small Purchases

  • Small purchases procedures for purchasing supplies or services with a cost above $10,000, but less than $250,000
  • At least three price quotes from an adequate number of qualified sources and supplies
  • Issuance of a unilateral purchase order
  • Award shall be made to the qualified vendor that provides the best value

Sealed Bidding

Condition of Use:

  • Procurement actions exceed the small purchase threshold of $10,000
  • Concise and unambiguous specifications
  • Two or more responsible and responsive bidders are available
  • Firm fixed price of contract or purchase order
  • Selection is made based on price


  • Public advertising
  • Written solicitation with complete, adequate, and clear specifications
  • Solicitation of an adequate number of vendors or potential contractors
  • Bids opened publicly
  • Award to the supplier or contractor offering the lowest price and has been determined to be responsive and responsible

Competitive Proposals/Negotiated Procurement (Request for Proposal, Request for Qualifications, A&E Contracts, Construction Contracts)

Conditions of use:

  • Consideration is based on other factors than price alone
  • Preferred method for procuring professional services


  • Public advertising and direct solicitation
  • Ensure an adequate number of qualified sources
  • Evaluation criteria stated in the solicitation
  • Establish methods for technical evaluation
  • Proposals are not opened publicly
  • Determine which vendors are appropriate for further negotiations
  • Select the vendor whose proposal is most advantageous to West Georgia Consortium Housing Authority

Non-competitive Negotiation or Bid

Limited to a sole source or if no bidders or vendors are identified after solicitation or advertising.

Conditions of Use:

  • The vendor or bidder provides a unique or singular service or supply item
  • Emergency condition whereby life, public health, safety, or property is in immediate danger
  • Solicitation of the number of sources and competition is inadequate
  • HUD authorizes the use of noncompetitive proposals
  • Unavailable data or information about the item or service need
  • The vendor or bidder is the only source for equipment or materials presently used by West Georgia Consortium Housing Authority

Cooperative Purchasing/Intergovernmental Agreement

  • A State and/or local cooperative or intergovernmental agreement
  • Agreement may be used to purchase or use common supplies, equipment, or services
  • Decision to use an intergovernmental agreement is based on economy and efficiency

Bonding and Insurance Requirement

Condition of Use:

  • Bid Guarantee/Bond is needed for construction contracts exceeding $100,000 (A Bid Guarantee may be accepted in the form of a cash equivalent)
  • Payment Bond is needed for construction contracts exceeding $100,000. (This assurance may be met with a performance and payment bond in a penal sum of 100% of the contract price)
  • Performance Bond is needed for all construction contracts or service contracts over $100,000
  • All contracts shall contain insurance appropriate to the project as required by Federal, State, or local laws and ordinances

Contractor Qualifications and Duties

  • Have adequate financial resources to perform the contract
  • Comply with the requirements of the proposed delivery or performance schedule
  • Have a satisfactory performance record
  • Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics
  • Have the necessary organization, experience, accounting, operational controls, and technical skills
  • Have the production, construction, technical equipment, and facilities
  • Be qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations